2025-2026 Academic Year Grant Application

* Deadline - Saturday, March 15, 2025 - 5 p.m. *

Instructions on how to submit a grant request:

1. Complete Grant Application in full

2. Click on Submit to send to your Principal for approval

Please complete the following:

Last:  First: 

Phone: --





Title of Project: 

Amount Requested: $

Principal Last:  First: 


Resource people or cooperating agency (if any):

How will you evaluate the results of this project?

What materials and/or equipment are parts of your grant request?
Please include shipping costs, if appropriate.
Item Company Cost


1. What are the educational goals of your project?

2. How does this project focus on career and college access?

3. How will this project be integrated into the curriculum?

4. How may the materials/ideas be shared among a group of teachers?

5. What are the continuing long term effects?

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